Key Contacts

key contacts for waste management:

Shannon Caveny-Cox, Zero Waste Coordinator,

Office of Sustainability

Addressing policy, campus performance and metrics, recycling/waste station design, bin standards, waste reporting for construction and demolition projects, diversion strategies for new or uncommon materials, and outreach to the UNC Charlotte community. 

For solid waste collections and event services:

Kelly Freshcorn, Recycling & Universal Waste Operations Manager,

Facilities Management, Building Environmental Services & Recycling

Addressing daily operations to collect common materials at recycling stations, on-campus processing of diverted materials, and the scheduling of waste handling equipment and staff for workplace cleanouts and special events.

For surplus state-owned equipment and electronic waste:

John Cashion, Stock Supervisor,

Inventory Control & Surplus Property

Addressing the collection, accounting, and diversion of inventory and equipment purchased with State funds, and recycling of electronic equipment.

For hazardous material handling and training:

Environmental Health & Safety (EHS),

Addressing the storage, collection, recycling, and disposal of hazardous chemicals and materials from laboratories and workspaces, and the training of staff responsible for hazardous materials.

For services provided to housing residents:

Donny Edwards, Director of HRL Facilities Operations,

Housing and Residence Life

Addressing the waste and recycling needs for students living in campus residence halls and for special events held in residence halls.