Special Services
UNC Charlotte offers special services to handle items that do not fit into the primary waste streams. If you are someone on campus not dealing with personal waste, please find the appropriate waste category to learn how to properly dispose of your item(s).

Composting is a way of processing organic waste, such as food waste, leaves, grass trimmings, paper, and wood, into valuable organic fertilizer. UNC Charlotte composts in specific areas on campus, including food waste from both dining halls and paper towels in the Fretwell building.
Weird recycling centers
There are certain special items that can be recycled, but must be sorted differently than other, more common recyclable items. Students and staff can take these “weird recycling” items to a Weird Recycling Center on campus – including cables/cords, plastic bags, ink cartridges, small batteries, and eyeglasses.

special Materials handling

In addition to the “core” recyclables (cans, bottles, paper, and cardboard), UNC Charlotte collects special materials from shop areas on campus, including scrap metal, yard waste, and wood waste. This includes academic shop areas and facilities shops for renovations and repairs.
Zero waste event planning
Zero waste is an ambitious goal that challenges businesses to find ways to reuse, compost, or recycle any waste generated. The Office of Sustainability encourages zero waste campus events and offers supporting resources and information for these events.