What can I recycle on campus? Ask the Waste Wizard

UNC Charlotte provides the Waste Wizard tool to help students, staff, residents, and visitors find information on campus waste collections. 

Waste Wizard is a search tool based on the item or material. Entries will direct users to the campus-based options for disposal. Locations for campus collections will be listed for common materials, or the entry will provide contact information and instructions for materials that require special handling. Waste Wizard also provides information about what the campus is able to do with the items (recycle, compost, re-use, or trash to a landfill).


Waste Wizard will recommend items to place in trash bins. Please note that some common items are not safe for disposal in trash, and these hazardous materials (e.g. batteries) will have other collection options. Safe disposal of hazardous materials will protect our campus workers and the environment from harmful materials.

Some items recommended for trash may resemble items that we recycle or compost. Unfortunately, diversion for landfill is not feasible for these items at this time. Some reasons include: mixed materials (such as a wrapper with paper and metal foil glued together), a lack of local recyclers (for example, certain plastics), and collecting, handling and shipping difficulties (small or rare items). Following the Waste Wizard recommendations for trash will protect the quality of materials that the university collects for recyclers, composters and re-users – local businesses that create jobs and provide materials for our economy.  Please use Waste Wizard to avoid  “wishcycling”. 

If Waste Wizard is not listing the material that you wish to discard, please send a message to recycling@charlotte.edu.